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Fertility Issues? Consult an Expert!

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Fertility preservation safeguards the current reproductive potential of an individual and helps one conceive in the future by storing reproductive cells or tissues. It involves freezing of eggs, sperm, embryos or reproductive tissue so that one can have a biological child later without worrying about deteriorating quality or depleting numbers of eggs or sperm due to ageing.

Why preserve your fertility?


Fertility preservation options for Women:

Egg/oocyte freezing, a method of storing a women’s unfertilized eggs, is a boon to single or young patients without a partner who are desirous of fertility preservation. Frozen eggs may be stored for years without any increased risk of congenital anomalies when used later.

Oocyte vitrification at Oasis:

Vitrification is one of the latest and most effective techniques in freezing. Oasis is one of the few centres in India to offer egg freezing via vitrification.

Ovarian tissue freezing involves removing a small piece of ovarian tissue from the ovary and freezing it for future use.

Fertility preservation options for Men:

Semen freezing is advised for those undergoing cancer treatment or any surgery where their fertility may be compromised or lost. Semen containing sperm can be frozen safely for having a baby later. Even patients with unexplained steady progressive drop in sperm count can utilise this technique.

Embryo Cryo Preservation:

In this effective technique, the women’s eggs are fertilised with the sperm of the partner and frozen, so the embryos can be used when the couple is ready to have a baby.

Oasis offers a comprehensive array of fertility preservation options for women and men. Consult the specialists at Oasis who will assess your situation and offer customised effective solutions.

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