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Importance of Class 10,000 Cleanroom in Assisted Reproduction

At Oasis Fertility, there’s no stone that we leave unturned to ensure that you have the best possible chance to conceive and realize your parenthood dreams. And a Class 10,000 Cleanroom Environment is one such measure that we have taken to deliver excellence in implantation services and improve implantation success rates.

The concept of a cleanroom essentially comes from the manufacturing process wherein the success or failure of the process depends on maintaining the integrity of the environment and reducing the number of pollutants that can alter its clean state. Components such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles, and chemical vapours can alter/violate the integrity of the environment and a cleanroom keeps them out.

To put things into perspective, a typical ambient environment in an urban setting contains 35,000,000 particles for each cubic meter of space. At Class 10,000 grade the same is reduced to less than 10,000 particles per cubic meter of space – providing a much safer and cleaner environment.

This is achieved with a centralized air handling unit (AHU) with 0.3micron HEPA filters. Additionally, LAB guard with HEPA filters are also in place; and we undertake particle counts twice every year – to ascertain that the lab is maintaining class 10,000 integrity. The HEPA filters are changed annually to keep the standards Cleanroom consistent with our standards.

Inability to maintain these standards could result in the hampered growth of the embryo as certain volatile and foreign particulates can affect the fertilization & growth of the same. It remains our constant endeavour to keep our labs completely error-free and there is not even one chance of an accidental mix-up or a mishap.

Our protocols are designed to be fail-safe, provide the best environment to maximise the chances of fertilization and thereby increase the implantation rate, and ensure a zero-error assisted reproduction experience at all times, for everyone.

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