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Innovative Fertility Treatments Bless Couple with Bundle of Joy

Couples who face infertility issues are not aware of the wide array of fertility treatments that can help them overcome infertility. You should also know that the same treatment that worked for your friend or neighbor or relative may not work for you. Just like we have different sizes of clothing like S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL, etc. Similarly, fertility treatments have to be tailored to each couple depending on their age, medical condition, lifestyle, health, and several other factors. The kind of medications, the dose, and the time interval have to be customized for each couple as one size doesn’t fit all.

A couple cannot decide on what fertility treatment they require. Only a fertility specialist can choose the right treatment taking all factors into consideration. Therefore, a couple should never delay consultation with a specialist if they are unable to conceive even after a year. Firstly, it is important for you to know the different fertility treatments that are available. OITI, IUI, IVF, Drug-Free IVF, Fertility Preservation, Donor treatment, Male fertility treatment, etc.


What is OITI?

OITI for whom?


IUI for whom?


IVF for whom?

Drug-free IVF

Drug-free IVF for whom?

Fertility Preservation:

For people who have been diagnosed with cancer, the fertility preservation technique is a boon. Cancer and its treatment can affect both men’s and women’s fertility. Before treatment, he or she needs to visit a fertility specialist and freeze their sperm or eggs. By this method, one can preserve their reproductive potential and can conceive later at their convenience.

Donor Treatment:

If the sperm or egg is of poor quality, eggs from a different female or sperm from a different male can be used for conception.


Here, a couple can take the help of a surrogate (woman) to carry a pregnancy for them. There are several medical conditions based on which one can go for surrogacy.

Male Fertility Treatments:

Based on the condition, several advanced treatments like Microfluidics, MACS (Magnetic Assorted Cell Sorting), TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration), MicroTESE (Microscopic testicular sperm extraction) are available to help men achieve fatherhood.

If you are unable to conceive there can be a problem in either you or your spouse. This can be diagnosed only by a fertility specialist. One has to keep in mind that fertility declines in both men and women with age. So, never postpone fertility treatment. Happy parenthood!

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