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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: 5 Things You Need To Know

The last few years have seen a rise in a number of diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle habits we all seem to have developed. There is a significant rise in infertility and a number of related diseases especially amongst the urban population.

The Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is one such condition amongst women that is surrounded by a number of myths and misconceptions. It is a condition in which a woman’s levels of the hormones, estrogen and progesterone are imbalanced. This may lead to ovarian cysts and can cause problems with a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, cardiac function, and appearance too.

Let’s get the facts right.

1. The Myth – Women with PCOS can’t have children

The Truth – Women with PCOS can have children.

Women with children can have PCOS.

Ovulatory infertility is primarily caused by PCOS but it doesn’t imply that women with the condition can’t have children at all. Most women with PCOS can conceive on their own and some with the help of fertility treatments.

While conception may take more time, the right care and treatment can help even those women who have cysts in their ovaries. Some women only have cysts and do not exhibit any other symptoms of PCOS, as such they may have no problems conceiving.

2. The Myth – PCOS is prevalent in older women

The Truth – PCOS does not dependent on age

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the most common reproductive endocrine disease among women of childbearing age. There is a chance that 5-10% of teens and young women may be diagnosed with PCOS. Some of the most common symptoms include, irregular periods, weight gain, acne and excess facial and body hair. However, severity of these symptoms varies from girl to girl.

3. The Myth – Hysterectomy can cure PCOS

The Truth – Menopause or hysterectomy does not cure PCOS

Women with PCOS may assume that a hysterectomy or a oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries) is an appropriate treatment for the condition, but doctors usually consider it as a last resort.

PCOS is much more than just a syndrome that affects the ovaries. It is related to hormone imbalances and metabolic issues that might not be helped by removing reproductive organs.

4. The Myth – PCOS is only prevalent in overweight women

The Truth – Being overweight has no bearing on having/not having PCOS

Losing weight will not rid you of this condition. It could however reduce its impact. Research shows that weight loss improves ovulation and as such improves the chances of pregnancy. The body of a woman with PCOS however, releases excessive androgens which can lead to excessive weight gain around the abdomen. This is one of the main reasons that once women are diagnosed with PCOS, they are asked to follow a strict, healthy diet and an exercise regimen.

5. The Myth – Oral contraceptives can easily cure PCOS

The Truth – Oral contraceptives do not cure PCOS

Birth control pills can regulate periods but are only act as a band-aid in treating PCOS. Women who decide to stop taking them to start a family or other reasons discover that their periods are still irregular.

Conclusion –

There is still a void of information regarding conditions like PCOS that needs to filled through awareness. It always best to go for regular check ups so that diagnosis happens in time and the condition can be controlled and cured faster.

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