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Oasis Prides Itself On Being A ‘One Stop’ Fertility Centre. Why Is It Important?

In the industry of healthcare, where the quality of service is monitored directly by doctors (rather than management professionals) there is a tendency for them to micromanage the entire process. This poses great challenges when the centers are of large-scale providing complete solutions like consulting, investigation and treatment. Further challenges are posed when the processes with a little similarity between each other deal with highly skilled staff working with cutting-edge equipment.

To deal with such complexity, many fertility centers usually tend to outsource their processes to various certified labs and hopefully, capitalism will deliver quality solutions on time.

This philosophy of Healthcare though found to be successful by many fertility centers is not held in faith by the team of doctors at Oasis. The various reasons are provided below:

For these reasons at Oasis all staff and doctors are involved in all laboratory processes, tests and every other facet of consulting, investigation and treatment are maintained in-house.

Also, a strict adherence to standard and quality is maintained. Oasis is an ISO 2001 certified organization and diligently follows the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines. Oasis is also a member of The American Society for Reproductive Medicine and The Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India.

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