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Overview of Reproductive Health Disorders That Can Lead to Infertility 

Infertility can be difficult to deal with, not just for you but also for your partner. And without the right consultation and treatment, it could lead to stress and even impact your marital relationship in the worst-case scenario. It is important to understand that infertility can be due to reproductive disorders in one or both partners. The good news is that there are multiple ways to treat infertility so that you can fulfill your dream of being a parent. But first, you need to understand the reasons for infertility in women and men. 

Reasons for Infertility in Women 

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) 

PCOS/PCOD may inhibit the production of eggs or adversely impact their quality, affecting your reproductive health. The condition may occur due to: 

Symptoms that may indicate reproductive diseases in females are:  


In endometriosis, the tissue that lines the uterine wall grows outside the uterus. It can extend to around ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowels, and even the bladder. The “misplaced tissue” ultimately affects your reproductive health. A common early sign is unusual pain in the abdomen, lower back or pelvic area. However, it often goes unchecked and is diagnosed only after you fail to conceive naturally.  

Uterine Fibroids 

These are non-cancerous tumours that grow in the womb. Unfortunately, the risk of fibroids is higher among Asian and African women. Primary indicators of this are: 

Reasons for Infertility in Men 


Enlargement of veins in the scrotum may cause a disorder of the male reproductive system. This can affect sperm quality and cause testicular problems. Its causes include: 

Undescended testicles may also indicate reproductive disorders in men. However, this is not a concrete diagnosis for poor sperm quality. 


This condition occurs when the male body produces low testosterone levels. This could hinder the proper development of male reproductive organs during and after puberty. It results in the following reasons for infertility in men

Obstructive Azoospermia (OA) 

This is the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate. It is a common reason for infertility in men and can be due to obstructions in the: 

OA usually does not present any symptoms, until the couple tries to get pregnant. 

Diagnostic Approaches for Reproductive Health Disorders 

Your healthcare provider can diagnose diseases and disorders of the reproductive system based on the presented infertility symptoms and certain tests. 

Methods to Diagnose Reproductive Diseases in Females 

Methods to Diagnose the Reasons for Infertility in Men 

Management and Treatment Options 

The best way to ensure infertility prevention is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and consult a healthcare professional as soon as you observe any symptoms. This helps identify reproductive disorders. With the knowledge of reasons for infertility in men and women, your doctor can put you on infertility treatments. Common fertility treatment options are: 



Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) 

Prevention of Infertility and Early Intervention 

To successfully get pregnant, regular health screenings to diagnose reproductive issues at the earliest are important. If you are planning to start a family, consult a healthcare professional to learn about pro-pregnancy practices, such as dietary and lifestyle changes, stress reduction, etc. For couples above the age of 35 years, a good practice is to get fertility tests done and start with the necessary processes to improve fertility. 


Infertility may affect the mental health of one or more partners. In addition to adopting an active lifestyle and proper nutrition habits, remain aware of the symptoms of reproductive disorders. The identification of infertility symptoms early and starting fertility treatments can increase the chances of pregnancy. With technological advancements, there are multiple assisted reproductive treatments that can help you with pregnancy if all else fails. 

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