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What are the ways to maintain male fertility?

Infertility is the main cause of being childless which brings unhappiness among couples who wish to have kids. Barrenness can occur due to a defect in male or female partner. There are many reasons for male infertility and female infertility. Let us discuss in detail about male infertility and what measures can be taken to prevent it.

Male Infertility issue:

Either or both of the partners may be responsible for not having any child due to their fertility deficiency. If this deficiency is present in the male partner then it is called male infertility. Consulting an andrologist can help to diagnose the actual cause of infertility. The most common reasons for male infertility are as follows:

Studies have shown that addiction to drugs, alcohol, and smoking also increase the chances of infertility. Even genetics, ancestral traits, fitness, and diet can affect male fertility. Working for longtime keeping laptops on lap, taking long hot baths, and wearing tight underwear can affect the sperms.

Symptoms of male infertility are difficulties in erections, intercourse, and ejaculations. But, medical tests are required for confirmation.

Maintaining Fertility in males:

Fertility in males can be improved, and infertility can be eliminated by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best advised to avoid tobacco products and alcohol. Indulging in physical exercises and following a healthy diet is also recommended. General practices suggested to follow for increase fertility health are:

Sometimes, other diseases, such as diabetes or untreated STDs can also affect the factors that cause infertility. Anemia, celiac disease, and thyroid disease can also lead to infertility. Age is also a common factor that decreases fertility.

Doctor’s advises can also be helpful to maintain male fertility. The specialists can help patients with diet plans and medicines or procedures to maintain good sexual health. Professional help is also provided such as:

Keeping the body cool is also beneficial. The injuries can sometimes damage the testes from where the sperms are produced. It is also recommended not to sit at a particular place for a long time. It is better to move around, walk and jog and keep yourself physically active. The type of work engaged in is also a significant factor for infertility. It is better to take precautions in working areas where toxins are used. It is always the best option to seek advice from experts for the issues related to sex life.

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