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Risk Factors in Male Infertilty

Risk Factors in Male Infertilty

Infertility is a man’s problem too. An issue in sperm quality, quantity, production, and function leads to fertility issues in men. Below are the risk factors contributing to the increased prevalence of male infertility in recent times.

· Overexposure to certain industrial chemicals such as pesticides, paint, herbicides, etc. can cause reduced sperm count.

· Exposure to radiation through excessive usage of cell phones leads to a reduction in sperm production.

· Environmental pollution affects sperm production and sperm function.

· Smoking lowers sperm count and semen volume. Chewing tobacco causes severe abnormalities in semen quality.

· Alcohol consumption causes erectile dysfunction. Reduced testosterone levels are found in men who consume alcohol. Apart from causing infertility, smoking, and alcoholism also leads to many life-threatening diseases.

· Obesity has a direct impact on sperm quality as weight changes are caused by hormonal imbalances, which can lead to low testosterone levels.

· Stress may be a risk factor for male infertility. Stress might trigger hormonal imbalances and sometimes cause decreased libido.

· Lifestyle factors such as wearing tight clothing, regular hot showers, and hot sauna baths also impair fertility. Exposure of the genitals to high temperatures affects sperm quality and count.

· Aging affects the hormones and decreases sperm quality and quantity. This leads to decreased libido and reduced pregnancy rate.

· Health conditions such as erectile dysfunction, hypertension, diabetes, etc. cause fertility issues.

The above-mentioned risk factors are thought to interfere with normal sperm production and function, but scientific evidence is still awaited.

Understanding and staying away from the risk factors will help in prevention.

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