Causes of Unexplained Infertility

However common it is, unexplained infertility is a frustrating diagnosis to receive. But unexplained does not mean it cannot be diagnosed and treated; there is always a ray of hope.
While one doctor might diagnose your case as unexplained, another doctor may say you have not been evaluated thoroughly to determine the cause or come to a conclusion. Hence, unexplained infertility can only be diagnosed after doing a full fertility evaluation of both the partners (male and female). Your doctor will only come to this conclusion after analyzing all the results from the tests and still cannot determine the cause.
Some believed risk factors are stress, environmental toxins, weight issues, alcohol, drug usage, caffeine consumption, smoking, excessive exercise, etc. However, all of these are merely theoretical factors known to affect fertility. If infertility cannot be explained, eliminating risk factors may help to some extent.
Causes of Unexplained Infertility
Couples who are going through infertility with an unexplained diagnosis should keep in mind that there are several reasons due to which it might have occurred. It is essential for them to have a basic idea about all the probable reasons that cause infertility in order to get the right treatment quickly. Some of the possible causes of unexplained infertility are explained below to help make it easy for your diagnosis.
Abnormalities in the Fallopian Tube
During a normal reproduction process, after ovulation, the fimbria in females picks up the eggs from the ovary. It may be possible for the mechanism that helps pick up eggs is defective. Further, improper functioning of the cilia of the tube can also be a cause.
Psychological Issues
Some studies suggest that a person’s hormonal cycle may get affected if they are emotionally disturbed. Because the hormones are directly linked with the brain, hormonal problems are also said to cause fertility problems.
Sperm’s Inability to Penetrate Eggs
Sometimes, even though the male partner’s sperm count is normal, it may be unable to penetrate the eggs. This problem can be checked with the IVF process. Donor sperm may also be used, and if the egg fertilizes after using it, it means that the male partner’s egg is not able to penetrate the eggs.
Abnormalities During the Luteal Phase
Eggs are released into the luteal phase during the female reproductive cycle. The female will find difficulties in getting pregnant if there any abnormalities arise during this phase. Corpus luteum is responsible for the production of progesterone hormone in females. Progesterone gets the endometrium wall ready to receive the fertilized eggs. If sufficient amounts of progesterone are not produced or if the endometrium does not respond to the hormone, it can result in infertility.
Abnormal Eggs
This is one of the causes that can be diagnosed and also treated during unexplained infertility IVF. Sometimes, the eggs are produced and released naturally but have abnormal structures or a chromosomal anomaly. This abnormality can be determined and eliminated through preimplantation genetic testing on the embryo.
Immune System
Immunological factors can also cause infertility. The immune system in men can react with the sperm and, in worst cases, destroy or kill them. The sperm might not be motile enough. In women, an immune reaction in the coating of the eggs may be possible, which prevents the sperm’s entry into it.
Trapped Eggs
There are a few cases where the eggs are produced normally and in a healthy manner, even though the corpus luteum is unbroken, the eggs to be trapped inside it.
There are some infections which can be a cause of infertility. If you are suffering from Chlamydia infections or mycoplasma, you should immediately get treatment for it as it may be hindering your fertility.
Endometrium Problems
Women having defects in the uterine line, or endometrium wall, are likely to be infertile. This is due to the issues that arise with the endometrium wall, which prevent the embryo from implanting onto it. This is a considerably common cause, and doctors should check for it. There are many methods using which the condition can be checked. One such method is ultrasound scans through the vagina. This test allows the doctor to evaluate the endometrium’s thickness. The endometrium wall may be thin due to insufficient flow of blood to it.
Oasis Fertility offers excellent and effective treatment options for all types of infertility problems along with unexplained infertility and helps you fulfill your dream of getting pregnant and bringing your little miracle into the world.

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