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What is the success rate of treatments at your centre?
Globally the success rate of assisted reproductive technology is between 15-20% for intra uterine insemination and 40-50% for in-vitro fertilization. The success rate at our centre is higher than the global average. However, the success rate for every individual is different from the other. For more information on success rates, please visit the Success Rates page.
Who are the doctors at your centre? Do you also have dieticians and other therapists?
We are a fully functional hospital with 15 centers to treat male & female infertility. We have a large team of experts with over 100 years of collective experience. We have dieticians for diet and lifestyle counselling and therapists to help you holistically. For more information on Our Expert Team, please visit the Who are We Page.
Do you offer treatment for male infertility?
Yes, we offer treatments for male infertility.
Am I too old for a fertility treatment?
While age is a cause for infertility, it varies from person to person. You must make an appointment at our clinic and the doctor will be able to suggest a treatment after a thorough examination.
We are not a married couple. Will you be able to treat us for infertility problems?
We offer fertility treatments only for married couples in order to avoid potential legal troubles.
Does your centre perform deliveries?
No we do not perform deliveries.
Do you offer gynecology/ obstetrics treatments too?
We offer all kinds of gynecological treatments irrespective of age. We do not provide any kinds of child delivery help.
What are the kinds of treatment available?
We offer all kinds of infertility treatments at Oasis. For further information, please visit out Treatments page.


What is infertility?
Infertility is defined as the failure to conceive after a year of regular unprotected intercourse, or the inability to carry a pregnancy to a live birth.
How many couples are affected by infertility?
One in every five couples are affected by some degree of infertility and need some kind of medical intervention for conception.
How does natural conception occur?
Naturally conception occurs when the male’s sperm meets the woman’s egg. This typically takes place in one of the woman’s fallopian tubes and the fertilized egg then travels to the uterus and is implanted in the uterine lining. For pregnancy to take place, fertilization of the egg must be followed by a successful implantation. Only one egg is released for fertilization in each menstrual cycle. If this egg is not fertilized, conception will not be possible again until the next cycle.
How is infertility diagnosed?
A complete medical history and a physical exam are the first step in diagnosing fertility problems. Both partners need to be evaluated. The couple may also need blood tests, semen analysis and ultrasound exams or exploratory surgery for the woman.
How is infertility in a woman treated?
Once the cause for infertility is determined, treatment can be planned. Sometimes, simple counseling or simple medication will solve the problem. In some cases, surgery is required.
How is infertility in a man treated?
Problems in the male reproductive organs can often be resolved with medication and, if required, with surgery.
What increases a man’s risks of infertility?
Sperm quality and quantity can be affected by overall health and lifestyle. Some things that may reduce sperm number and / or quality include alcohol, drugs, stress, environmental toxins, smoking, health problems, certain medicines, radio or chemotherapy and age.
What increases a woman’s risk of infertility?
Things that affect woman’s fertility include age, stress, poor diet, obesity, underweight, smoking, STDs, hormonal problems and other health problems.
How does age affect woman’s fertility?
For woman, the quality of eggs in the ovaries decline with age. The ability of an egg to become fertilized may also decrease over time, lowering the odds of conception. A woman produces fewer eggs with time. Over time, changes in hormones can cause difficulties with ovulation. Miscarriage rates increase with age.
Is infertility hereditary?
Most infertility problems are not hereditary.
How successful are infertility treatments?
Improvements in medication, surgery and ART make pregnancy possible for a majority of the couples pursuing treatments. Success rates have drastically improved for couples taking treatment under ART. There are various factors which influence success in ART. On an average, the success rates with IUI is around 15-20% & 40-50% with IVF.


When does the process of the IUI cycle begin?
You have to see the clinician on the second day of the period. You will be advised to take tablets, and or few hormonal injections from 4th or 5th day.
When will I undergo the IUI procedure?
This will depend on the report on your third scan.
Do I need to come before the scheduled appointment time?
Please arrive 30 mins prior to the scheduled appointment time for the IUI procedure.
Do I need to fast prior to the IUI procedure?
Will I be given any anesthesia during the procedure?
Will I experience any pain during this procedure?
It is a simple painless procedure.
What is the procedure for semen collection?
A sexual abstinence of 3-7 days is a must for IUI. There is a private sample collection room on the third floor of this hospital. Make sure that all the semen collection containers are properly labeled with your identity to avoid mixing of samples. If you have difficulty in erection or ejaculation – inform us we will help you Inform the technician about any spillage of sample during collection.
Can I collect the semen sample from home?
Yes you can. You will have to collect the container from the Andrology lab the previous evening.
Can I use any lubricant?
Never use a jelly, lubricant, vaseline, spit or a condom for collecting the semen sample, they alter the quality.
How soon do I need to drop off the semen sample collected from home?
All home collected semen samples should be transported to the Andrology lab within 45 minutes of collection. Sample should be kept warm by carrying the container in a pocket. For more information, please visit our INTRA UTERINE INSEMINATION (IUI) page under the Treatments section.


What are the tests to be undertaken before undergoing an IVF treatment?
Women should have normal base line reproductive hormones. Hysteroscopy or laparoscopy study should be normal. Tuberculosis of the reproductive tract should be ruled out. Antral follicular count, a mark of ovarian reserve should be within normal limits. Husband’s sperm should have the following – count 1-5 millions/inseminate, motility – 25-30% with forward progression, sperm morphology with 5-15% or more normal forms.
Do I need to visit the hospital regularly?
It is particularly important that patients undergoing IVF treatment attend OASIS for monitoring when they are required. The timing of events during IVF treatment is particularly crucial to success. Patients are asked to attend OASIS for an ultrasound scan of the ovaries during the treatment cycle.(usually from day 5) This allows us to see how many follicles are developing on the ovaries. Patients should be prepared to attend daily but, if the follicles are growing slowly, it is possible to have some days off. When most of the follicles are of sufficient size and the hormone levels indicate that the eggs are ready for collection, the last injections are given.
Who should undergo ICSI treatment?
The indicators for ICSI are: Unexplained failure or poor fertilization in previous IVF cycles. Infertility / Low sperm count Severe structural abnormalities of sperm. HIV / AIDS, Hepatitis A, B, C affected male partner. Immotile sperm. Eg. Inherited disorders of the sperm tail for which no other IVF technique is effective (ex: Kartagener’s Syndrome). Epididymal or testicular sperm obtained from Azoospermic patients (No sperm count in semen, but normal or low sperm production in the testis) Sperm obtained by electro ejaculation or from urine in cases of retrograde ejaculation.
What is the procedure for semen collection?
A sexual abstinence of 3-7 days is required. There is a private sample collection room on the third floor of this hospital. Make sure that all the semen collection containers are properly labeled with your identity to avoid mixing of samples. If you have difficulty in erection or ejaculation – inform us we will help you. Inform the technician about any spillage of sample during collection. If the sperm quality is poor suddenly on that day, there may be a need for the second sample, for which the male partner needs to be in touch with the hospital. For more information, please visit our IVF – In Vitro Fertilization page under the Treatments section


How is a semen donor selected?
A semen donor must: Be between 23 & 35 years old. Be a non-smoker and non-alcoholic who maintains a healthy lifestyle. Have successfully had at least one child. Undergo a complete medical and family history check. Undergo a thorough physical and psychological examination and evaluation. Undergo a blood test for blood grouping and screening for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and other sexually-transmitted diseases. Undergo screening for genetic abnormalities. All donors undergo initial screening as mentioned above. Upon satisfying the required criteria, these donors produce a semen sample that is then cryopreserved for a quarantine period of 6 months. After 6 months, the donors are re-screened for HIV and Hepatitis B and C, after which the donor sample is ready for dispatch. We do not have a sperm bank at our centre, however, we source sperms from the best sperm banks in the country.
How is an oocyte/egg donor selected?
Oocyte/egg donor programs are carried out under adherence to ICMR guidelines. Among others, an oocyte donor must: Be between 21 & 55 years old. Be a non-smoker and non-alcoholic who maintains a healthy lifestyle. Have successfully had at least one child. Undergo complete medical & family history examination. Undergo a thorough physical & psychological examination & evaluation. Undergo a blood test for blood grouping, HIV, hepatitis B & C & other sexually transmitted diseases. Undergo screening for genetic abnormalities.
What is the success rate of the donor programs?
Typical success rates with sperm donation are very encouraging. However, success rates depend largely upon the quality of sperm/ oocyte/ embryo (depending on the particular donor program).
What is the success rate of oocyte donation?
Typical success rates with oocyte donation are very encouraging. Oocyte donation success rates are better than IVF cycles with the female partner’s own eggs as hormonal manipulation is minimal and the uterus is more receptive.
Could I bring my own egg donor for treatments?
No, according to ICMR rules a known egg donor is not allowed. For more information, please visit our Donor Program page under the Treatments section


Who should opt for semen freezing?
Indications for Semen Freezing are: Prior to Vasectomy, Prior to cancer treatments like chemo/radiotherapy. As a part of semen banking, In cases with severe male factor infertility, In cases prone to develop azoospermia. As a part of IVF cycle, when the partner has got problems with collecting semen on demand, In couples where the partner is a frequent traveller.
What is the procedure for semen freezing?
You will first need to get a blood analysis for viral markers. After that you have to come down for a semen analysis. Based on the doctor’s suggestion, either the semen sample used for analysis would be frozen or a fresh sample would be frozen.
What are the pre-requisites for giving my semen sample?
We require a 3-5 days of abstinence before giving your semen sample. You need to start calculating from one day after the day you last had an intercourse/ ejaculated. We accept the sample only between 9 AM and 12 PM since we need to analyse it within the next 4 hours and our lab closes by 5 PM.
What are the pre-requisites for semen freezing?
Three days abstinence Screening for HIV 1&2, Hepatitis -B&C, VDRL Consent for freezing.
Who should opt for oocyte vitrification?
Indications for oocyte vitrification are: Prior to cancer treatments like chemo/radiotherapy, Prior to organ transplant therapy (liver transplant, bone marrow transplant, etc.) In severe Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome cases, Single women wanting to preserve the fertility. In cases where male partner fails to produce semen sample on the day of IVF after egg pickup and ICSI/IVF needs to be postponed.
What are the pre-requisites for oocyte vitrification?
HIV, Hepatitis B&C and VDRL screening of the women whose eggs will be frozen. The women needs to undergo controlled ovarian stimulation with reproductive hormones. Eggs will be collected under general anesthesia and checked for maturity.
How long could I keep the embryos frozen for?
We allow the eggs to be kept frozen for up to one year. After the one year period, you can renew the same.
What is the time period for oocyte/egg/embryo freezing process?
It is a process that takes over a month. Once you get an appointment at our clinic, the doctor will take you through the entire procedure. For more information, please visit our Freezing / Vitrification page under the Treatments section.