
Be Informed to battle pregnancy loss

Be Informed to battle pregnancy loss

If you have experienced multiple miscarriages, chances are you want to know what caused it and what you can do to prevent it from happening again. Recurrent pregnancy loss/miscarriage is defined by the loss of two or more clinical pregnancies. While spontaneous miscarriages occur in about 15 percent of women, the risk increases to 20-30 percent among women with a history of two or more pregnancy losses. The risk also increases with advancing maternal age. Evaluation to understand the causes should be done after two consecutive pregnancy losses. Oasis provides the necessary medical and psychological support needed for this and does a complete evaluation of both partners and customizes the treatment.

Causes and treatment of Miscarriages

Genetic: Miscarriages often occur due to chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, which are transmitted from the parents or arise incidentally. Any abnormalities in the parents can be detected by blood tests (Karyotyping).

Anatomic: Miscarriages may occur due to the abnormal shape of uterine, either present since birth or by distortion of the cavity by Fibroids, short or weak cervix. Tests like TVS(2D/3D), Hysteroscopy, and MRI help in assessing these abnormalities, most of which can be corrected through laparoscopic surgeries with expertise.

Endocrine and Blood disorders: Hormonal disorders of Thyroid, uncontrolled Diabetes and Thrombophilias (excessive blood clotting) can lead to miscarriages. These conditions can be diagnosed and treated effectively.

Male factors: High DNA fragmentation index (DFI) in sperms can also cause recurrent miscarriages and can be treated with medical or surgical modalities.

Infections and lifestyle: Factors like smoking, alcohol and drug abuse are other causes.

Despite extensive testing, causes for repeated miscarriages are unknown in 50-60 percent of patients. Oasis, offers PGS/PGD (Pre-Genetic Screening/Diagnosis) to such couples, wherein IVF is done and the resulting embryos are tested for genetic abnormalities. Only genetically normal embryos are transferred into the uterus, thereby, highly reducing the chances of miscarriage.

PGS/PGD requires expertise and is available in very few fertility centers across the world. Oasis centre for Reproductive Medicine is proud to be one amongst them and has helped many couples suffering from recurrent miscarriages to conceive and deliver healthy babies. Oasis has four branches in Hyderabad (Banjara Hills, Gachibowli and Dilsukhnagar and Secunderabad), in addition to branches at Vijayawada, Warangal and Chennai. Oasis provides world-class facilities with a team of qualified, experienced doctors and a caring management staff.

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