Early Menopause

Causes And Symptoms Of Early Menopause

Causes And Symptoms Of Early Menopause

Menopause naturally occurs to women by the age of 50; nevertheless, due to genetics, medical procedures, or illness, few women may undergo menopause even before the age of 40.  Menopause that precisely takes place before the age of say 50, whether natural or induced, is termed as premature menopause. 

The risk factors for early menopause include hot flashes, mood swings, and a few other symptoms. Many women who experience premature menopause have to deal with added physical strain and emotional concerns. For instance, if a woman wants to get pregnant, she is likely to face trouble as the chances of fertility starts getting affected by the age of 35.

Symptoms of Premature Menopause 

Women approaching natural menopause show similar symptoms as women who experience premature menopause. These symptoms include: 

  1. Missed or irregular periods.
  2. Changes in the menstrual flow pattern.
  3. Hot flashes are associated with the feeling of warmth that spreads over the upper body.

These symptoms usually denote that your ovaries are producing less estrogen. There are few  other symptoms associated which few women may experience like: 

  • Dryness in the Vagina, where it may become thin and less flexible. 
  • Loss of bladder control along with bladder irritability. 
  • Affect on emotional beings like irritability, mood swings, and mild depression – Dryness in skin, mouth, and eyes. 
  • Sleepless nights. 
  • A decrease in libido. 

In case you are under the age of 40 and experience some of the following symptoms, few of the  causes of early menopause can be: 

  • You might have been exposed to radiation or chemotherapy. 
  • You or your family might have a history of autoimmune disorder like hypothyroidism, lupus or  Graves’ disease. 
  • Your mother or sister has a similar condition where have experienced premature menopause.
  • There have been a series of unsuccessful pregnancies. 

Premature Menopause Diagnosis 

To appropriately diagnose your condition of premature menopause, your physical care personnel or the doctor would perform physical examination whereby they draw blood to rule out other conditions, for instance, pregnancy or thyroid disease. A test may be performed to check the estradiol levels. Estradiol is a form of estrogen where the low levels indicate that your ovaries are wearing out. In case your estradiol levels are below 30, it shows that you reached your menopause. 

Premature menopause can be easily diagnosed through a blood test that measures follicle-stimulating hormone or FSH. FSH are responsible for producing estrogen from your ovaries. Reduction in the production of estrogen in your ovaries means that the levels of FSH increased. It is declared to be menopause when your FSH levels rise above 40. 

Other Health Issues Caused By Premature Menopause 

Whether it is natural menopause or premature menopause, women experience lowered estrogen levels as the production of this hormone is stopped by the ovaries. Low levels of estrogen, in particular, can cause various changes in a woman’s overall health, and there can be a risk of certain medical conditions like osteoporosis, colon and ovarian cancer, tooth loss,  cataract, gum disease, etc. 

As compared to the women with natural menopause, the one with premature menopause spends their lives with fear and without the protective benefits of their estrogen. This further endangers them with a higher risk of related health issues. 

In case you want to conceive but are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should consult a fertility specialist. There are various fertility centres like Oasis which provide you with appropriate treatment and diagnosis of infertility issues.

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