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Male Infertility

Oxidative stress and male fertility

Oxidative stress and male fertility

If you are reading this, chances are that you might have already done some research about male infertility and you might know that male infertility is the reason in around 30-35% of cases.

And if you don’t already know, be informed that Low sperm count and sperm motility are two of the most common and major factors that cause infertility in men.


Oxidative stress

If you are anywhere between 22-35 years of age, you might have experienced fatigue after a long day at work and that’s totally normal. Some good rest or some other form of relaxation must cover it up for you.

However, if this happens frequently, you might need to be worried just a little bit.

Some very common and noticeable signs like wrinkling, loose skin, fatigue, greying of hair, etc., are a telling sign that you might be a victim of oxidative stress.


What is oxidative stress?

So our body releases free radicals everyday, which are nothing but oxygen molecules with an unpaired electron. These are usually balanced by the antioxidants present in the body.

The biological inability of the body to neutralize these oxidants causes an imbalance which increases over time. This causes your cell membranes to age and destroy enzymes, in turning affect the DNA.

Oxidative stress leads to:

  1. Premature ageing
  2. Cancer
  3. Heart Diseases


How is it related to infertility?

Simple, the more you age, the lesser are your chances of being fertile. With age, sperm count and motility decrease and premature ageing has a huge impact on sperm count and motility.

So what can you do to avoid this?

  1. Include plenty of fruits and green vegetables in your diet. They have antioxidants which create a balance in the system thereby decreasing your chances of developing oxidative stress.
  1. Incorporate green tea and fermented foods in your daily diet.
  1. Try to keep your stress levels low by exercising, yoga and meditation. This will keep your active, young and healthy.
  1. Needless to say, consult your doctor to know more about what can be done to reduce oxidative stress.


  1. Neha agarwal
    March 31, 2017 at 12:09 pm

    My husband has a low sperm mobility and because of which we are not able to conceive, thanks for sharing this information it can be one of the reasons of his problem I’ll definitely share this with him.

  2. Shakthi
    April 3, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    Infact a very good article with good info. I would suggest this to my friend who has planned to take treatment in Bournhall Clinic in Dubai.

  3. Patrick Quinn
    December 22, 2017 at 1:58 pm

    I would definitely share this article with one of my friend’s daughter and his husband who are not able to conceive for a long time. Thank you for such a great share! Its really helpful for the ones reading it and the ones who are unable to conceive due to various reasons.

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