Weight and Reproductive Outcomes
It is estimated that a vast percentage of men and women of the reproductive age are obese or overweight. Most people are aware that being obese increases the risk of health problems such as diabetes and heart diseases. However, many are still unaware that this condition also reduces their chances of fertility and the chance of having a healthy baby. What Causes Some People to be Obese? Many factors contribute to obesity, including eating habits, family history, and levels of physical activity. Factors in the environment such as the ready access to fast food, processed food, and sugary/aerated drinks, the …
Types of Assisted Reproductive Treatment
Assisted Reproductive Technology or Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) is a treatment procedure that is designed to assist in the reproductive procedure at various steps. ART includes a wide range of services depending upon the kind of problem being faced by the patients. There is a common misconception that ART procedures are designed only to deal with infertility. In fact, ART can include a variety of procedures to deal with any kind of issues that may arise during the reproductive procedure. Oasis center for reproductive medicine is a member of The American Society for Reproductive Medicine and The Federation of Obstetric …