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What is the Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)?

What is the Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)?

In women, cells inside the follicles of the ovaries produce AMH. Follicles are tiny fluid-filled sacs in the ovary that contain and release eggs.

AMH levels correspond to the number of eggs you have or your ovarian reserve. Higher AMH levels mean more eggs and a higher ovarian reserve. Lower AMH levels mean fewer eggs and a lower ovarian reserve.

How do High & Low AMH Levels Affect Fertility?

AMH levels can be an indicator of how ‘active’ your ovaries are. As you age, the natural pool of potential eggs you have in store begins to decrease and as this happens there will be fewer preantral follicles produced, which means less AMH will be released. A low AMH level reading can be indicative of a smaller pool of potential eggs.

A Low AMH level is a sign that the reserve of potential eggs is low. When there are fewer potential eggs in the ovaries, the chance of pregnancy is therefore lower.

Vitamin D & AMH:

Vitamin D regulates AMH levels in vitro, both directly through the AMH promoter and indirectly by controlling the number of granulosa cells and AMH signaling in the culture of the ovarian follicles.

Foods such as milk and dairy products, fish, soybean, and eggs help increase the levels of Vitamin D in the body.

A person should have 10-15 minutes of exposure to direct sunlight to produce Vitamin D naturally.

Include foods such as

Avocado: Improves Egg health

Ginger: Reduces inflammation of reproductive organs

Berries: Strong antioxidant protects the egg from free radicals

Sesame seeds: High in zinc, improves egg health

Omega 3, Zinc (Fish, poultry, legumes, meat): Improves reproductive health

Oats/Banana/Eggs: High in Vitamin B6

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