
Thyroid Affecting Women’s Fertility

Thyroid Affecting Women’s Fertility

Do you know that thyroid disorder, a very common problem among women can be the cause for reproductive complications?

A recent study has confirmed that abnormalities in thyroid function can have adverse effect on reproductive health and can result in reduced rates of conceptions, increased risks of miscarriage and other pregnancy and neonatal complications.

Taking into consideration the importance of thyroid in affecting fertility and pregnancy it is very important that couples take an expert’s advice prior planning for conception.

A healthy thyroid functioning is very important for both men and women fertility, for ability to conceive and to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Although several major factors causing infertility are often discussed and talked about, at times the suboptimal thyroid function proves to be the ‘missing link’. This is especially true for those couples who have no other reproductive issue and have been diagnosed as having unexplained infertility.

What is thyroid disorder and how it’s related to infertility in women?

Thyroid disorders are conditions that are related to thyroid gland which is located in front of the throat just below the voice box and above the collar bone. This gland produces certain vital hormones that influence almost all the metabolic processes of your body.

The most common thyroid problems involve:

Hyperthyroidism: This condition is created when there is abnormal/over production of thyroid hormones.

Hypothyroidism: This disorder occurs when there is insufficient production of thyroid hormones.

Poor thyroid function disturbs the natural balance of reproductive hormones that is crucial for easy conception and healthy pregnancy.

Thyroid in Women and Fertility Issues

Menstrual cycle is an important process that plays a crucial role in conception. Due to thyroid dysfunction the menstrual cycles are interrupted leading to irregular cycles or even complete absence of menstruation altogether (amenorrhoea).

Ovulation: Disturbed menstrual cycles further results in poor or stopped ovulation i.e. not releasing any egg. Luteinizing Hormone is responsible for stimulating the ovary to release egg. If thyroid hormone levels are not ideal then they fail to support LH to do its task. Hence, in this condition there can be no possibilities of pregnancy. However, in some cases it is possible that you menstruate regularly but still you may not ovulate.

Luteal Phase: If the luteal phase (second half of your menstrual cycle) is too short due to poor LH response and subsequent inadequate progesterone production the fertilised egg fails to implant safely and there are increased chances of early miscarriage which is often mistaken as a regular menstruation.

Low body temperature: Specific range of body temperature is required for the embryo to grow. Poor thyroid functioning at times leads to basal body temperature (lowest body temperature in 24-hour period) which is not conducive for the growth of embryo. This increases the risks of early miscarriages.

Thyroid Dysfunction also results in other hormonal imbalances that are related to fertility. For example, the increased levels of Thyroid Releasing Hormone (TRH) and low levels of thyroxin (T4) lead to excess of prolactin and TSH(thyroid stimulating hormone) which hinder the fertility of women by impacting menstrual cycles and ovulation.

By now you must be have understood that thyroid disorders can be a reason for fertility complications but the good part is that there are many simple and safe treatments available for countering thyroid. All you need to do is find out the right clinic and get an expert’s help.

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