What Is Varicocele and How Does It Impact Infertility in Men?

Infertility is a disease plaguing almost 1 in 7 couples. This means they haven’t been able to get pregnant even though they have had unprotected sex frequently for a year or more. In at least half of these couples, male fertility is proven to play at least a partial role. Male infertility can be caused by low sperm production, obstructions that avert the delivery of sperm, and abnormal sperm function. Illnesses, chronic health issues, lifestyle choices, and other factors add to male infertility.
What is Varicocele?
What is varicocele meaning? The swollen veins in your scrotum are called varicoceles. They generally cause mild symptoms such as aching pain or scrotal swelling in your testicle. Even though they may not cause any symptoms, they are known to be a common cause of infertility. A doctor can diagnose if you suffer from varicocele and suggest the course of treatment. Varicose is a part of the male reproductive system. While it might not always be dangerous, it can cause discomfort and potentially impact fertility.
Causes and Risk Factors of Varicocele
Doctors and medical experts are unable to provide exact varicocele causes. A few believe that a faulty ‘switch’ (valve) within specific veins in the spermatic cord may be the reason. The spermatic cord comprises of a band of tissues that plays a role in holding your testicles in place.
These veins give back blood from your testicles to your body. The valve serves as an ‘on/off’ switch. It comes with two flap-like structures that assist in moving blood back towards your heart. When a valve does not function the way, it needs to, the blood may accumulate within the veins in your testicles, leading to the veins swelling over time.
Risk Factors:
Varicocele is more seen in young boys, generally between the ages of 15 and 25. The condition usually develops during puberty when swift growth and hormonal changes happen. Studies suggest that genetic predisposition can play a part in varicocele. The anatomy of the testicular veins has the potential to play a major role in the development of varicocele.
They can also occur when there is swift testicular growth. This is why it is usually detected using puberty when the testicles go through a considerable enlargement. Additionally, varicocele has been associated with male infertility. Even though their connection is not fully comprehended, the pooling of blood in the scrotum can result in increased testicular temperature and damage sperm production.
Symptoms of Varicocele
Here are a few of the varicocele symptoms:
- Dull testicular pain
- Aching or swelling in your scrotum or testicles
- Testicular atrophy
- Unable to conceive after a year of trying
- A small lump above your affected testicle.
How Varicocele Affects Male Fertility
Varicocele has the potential to impact fertility. Research studies have demonstrated that it can contribute to roughly 40% of all cases of male infertility. It’s possible that the temperature within your scrotum rises owing to the buildup of blood in the veins. The higher temperature impacting both testicles could impact sperm count or production.
Related Read: 10 Conditions That Contribute To Low Sperm Count
Diagnosis of Varicocele
Doctors can diagnose varicoceles by conducting a physical exam where you will be asked to stand up, inhale deeply, hold your nose, close your mouth, and force yourself to push the air out. This is referred to as the Valsalva maneuver. The healthcare providers will then feel your scrotum for any enlarged veins. Additionally, they might also order a pelvic ultrasound, semen analysis, and blood test to diagnose varicocele.
Treatment Options for Varicocele
Varicocele treatment without surgery is possible if the varicocele is small with mild or non-existent symptoms, then it is recommended to monitor the condition. You can make a few lifestyle changes such as wearing supportive underwear, avoid standing a lot and reduce heavy lifting as they can help manage discomfort. You can use over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce pain due to varicocele.
If there are significant symptoms or fertility issues, then medical treatment of varicocele such as surgery like varicocelectomy, open surgery, laparoscopic surgery, microsurgical varicocelectomy, and so forth are recommended. Additionally, you can opt for minimally invasive techniques and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF.
Varicocele and Fertility Outcomes
Several couples can become pregnant (either naturally or after undergoing IUI or IVF) without clinically treating varicocele. If the couples wish to have more kids in the future, they have the choice of either treating varicocele while the female is pregnant or just monitoring the varicocele. When a man with severe varicocele wants more children, he needs to undergo a semen analysis every 1-2 years to ensure that his numbers are not reducing considerably over time. Some treatment options such as percutaneous embolization and varicocelectomy can provide efficient relief and enhance fertility outcomes for some men.
When to Seek Medical Advice
If a varicocele causes discomfort, changes the size or appearance of the testicle or potentially affects fertility, you should consider consulting a doctor for assessment and to talk about prospective treatment options.
Varicocele is a common condition that can potentially impact male fertility by damaging sperm production and quality. Fertility specialists, such as those at Oasis Fertility, are well-prepared to diagnose the condition early and ensure timely varicocele treatment. If you notice any symptoms, visit an Oasis Fertility Clinic near you immediately. You can also discuss your concerns on the live chat or call 1800-3001-1000 for immediate assistance.
Can I become a father after varicocele surgery?
Yes, it’s possible for you to father children after varicocele surgery such as varicocelectomy. It can boost sperm quality and count, which may improve fertility for a few men. However, success rates differ from patient to patient as factors like age, general health, and other fertility issues can impact outcomes.
Can you regain fertility after varicocele?
Yes, varicocele treatment can improve fertility, particularly if interfertility is due to poor sperm quality or production. Some studies have demonstrated that successful varicocele repair has the potential to raise sperm motility and count.
Can my wife get pregnant if I have varicocele?
It is possible for women to conceive naturally even if their husbands have varicocele. Even though varicoceles can affect sperm quality, they do not always result in infertility.
Can you have a healthy baby with varicocele?
Yes, varicoceles do not impact the health of the baby. Many men suffering from varicoceles can father healthy children. Even though treating varicocele can enhance fertility, the condition itself is not known to affect the development of a baby.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I become a father after varicocele surgery?
Can you regain fertility after varicocele?
Can my wife get pregnant if I have varicocele?
Can you have a healthy baby with varicocele?
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