The word ‘wellness’ is used to mean a healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual balance that results in a feeling of contentment and well-being.
Achieving overall wellness involves actively becoming self-aware and making choices that lead to a healthier and more fulfilling existence. In simple terms accepting oneself as all you are and as you are means being well in its true essence.
What does wellness mean? Wellness could mean different things to different individuals. A healthy, balanced lifestyle is essential to wellness.
General health plays a vital role in one’s overall wellness. When it comes to individual wellness, the topic of women’s wellness needs to be stressed and spoken about more often, because even today women face challenges and discrimination in all aspects of life.
Women’s health is one such aspect. Woman’s health is often neglected due to various socioeconomic norms and deep-rooted cultural practices. These generational practices prevent women from having good health and access to healthcare services.
Women are prone to different types of cancers, heart diseases, and other health issues. Anxiety and depression rank as the top most in case of mental health issues for women. Mental health is also a major concern when a woman’s health is considered. The reproductive health of a woman is also of significant importance.
Women’s healthcare requires healthy nutrition, physical activity, regular consultation, and complete physical and gynecological evaluation, regardless of age. Age, obesity, and menopause are all factors that must be taken into consideration in the pursuit of good health and wellness.